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Murphy Policies & Procedures

Report an Illness

If your child is ill, please call the office before 9:00 am. Report your child's name and illness. We are required to report all contagious diseases to the Ingham County Health Department. Children who are prescribed antibiotics need to take the antibiotics for a full 24 hours before returning to school.

Attendance & Absences 

Daily attendance at school is critical to a child's success in school. Students are expected to be in the classroom and in their seats when school begins. We do not count a student as tardy if she or he rides the bus and the bus arrives late. 

We do ask that students be kept home if they are sick. They cannot do their best work at school if they do not feel well. If your child is going to be absent from school, you should call the school office before or soon after school begins.

School Dress Code

Tube tops, halter tops, tank tops, spaghetti strap tops, or any top that exposes the stomach or back are not appropriate. All tops must cover at least two inches of the shoulder. Pants, shorts, or skirts must be worn at normal height on the hips.

Clothing with suggestive or obscene print or pictures will not be permitted, including alcohol, drug or tobacco messages. Short shorts and skirts that are not as long as the student's fingertips when arms are extended at the side are not allowed.

Hats, visors, and headbands/bandanas/scarves may not be worn in school during the day. Hats should be removed upon entering school. These head coverings are appropriate for recess.

For the health and safety of our students, shoes must be worn at all times. For physical education classes, tennis shoes are required. Flip-flops may not be worn to school.