Media Center
Mrs. Ruffley, Library Coordinator
Phone: (517) 339-8253
Degrees and Certifications:
MS Library and Information Science Wayne State University
Hello, Murphy Mustangs!
I’m Mrs. Ruffley, and I’m your new Murphy librarian! I love reading, and I'm so excited to share that love of reading with all of you!
This is my first year as a librarian! Before I was a librarian, I taught for eight years. I was a fourth grade teacher for most of those years, and I taught in Houston, TX and in Lansing. I also spent a couple of years as a stay-at-home mom. My husband and I have two sons: Owen is in 7th grade and Oliver is in fourth grade. We live in East Lansing.
I am so excited to be the new librarian at Murphy. I am looking forward to spending the year together, as we discover new books and revisit old favorites together.
Parents: Volunteering in the library is easy and fun! If you would like to help re-shelve books and care for our collection, please email me.
Mrs. Liz Ruffley
I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book"
J. K. Rowling
Learning Resources
Student Success Initiative
Capital Area District Libraries (CADL) is partnering with Haslett Public Schools to help students easily access all the education and entertainment options available at CADL’s 13 branches, Mobile Library and online collections. Through the Student Success Initiative (SSI), all students will receive a free CADL SSI library card no matter where they live, even if they already have a regular CADL card.
Getting & Using a Card:
The account is created by adding the letters HAS to your student’s school username (the one they use to log in to the computer at school). For example, a student with a school username of 25smithma would have a CADL “library card” number of HAS25smithma. Your student can use this card number to use the digital services at They can also use it at any CADL branch - or show their student ID - to check out up to five books, audiobooks, or magazines at a time.
Account Rules
- Some library items cannot be checked out with this type of account.
- CADL does not charge overdue fines. Borrowers are responsible for returning checked-out items to a CADL branch.
- Parents/guardians have permission to obtain account information. To access a student account, parents/guardians must be able to provide their student’s school username.
- Account notices are sent to the student's school email address. Younger students may not have active email accounts. Parents/Guardians may update contact information and overdue notice options by calling or visiting any CADL branch.
Option to Opt Out
Having a student success account requires the release of directory information (student name, student school computer username, student and parent email addresses, home phone number and address) to CADL. Any parent/guardian who does NOT want their student to have an account can opt-out by completing the Opt Out Form by September 10, 2024.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions about the CADL Student Success Initiativ